Low carbon heating

Solar gain contributes to the buildings low running costs – with areas of stone flooring acting as heat sinks. Large roof overhangs and foil insulation prevents overheating in summer. A ground source heat pump and wood burner heat the house.


Many of the walls are 400mm thick, using breathing wall construction – in-filled with recycled newspaper. The roof is double insulated with newspaper in the loft and hi-tech reflective foil enveloping the whole roof. K Argon windows are fitted throughout.

Renewable energy sources

Both our home and office are supplied by 4 kW PV solar panels, plus two 1kW wind turbines.

Water saving

Our solution to water conservation was simple and cost effective – we limited the number of bathrooms and installed low flush toilets. Water and energy efficient appliances were also fitted. Water-butts are used to collect rainwater for the garden.